
Victimology, Organised Crime, and Human Trafficking.

(08/06/2023) International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa held a Guest Lecture Webinar with the theme “Victimology, Organised Crime, and Human Trafficking.” The event invited Dean of Law FacultyUniversitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Dr. Agus Prihartono Permana Sidiq, SH., MH. to gave an opening remarks in the event. The speakers were Dr. Gopala Sasie Rekha, S. H. (LL.B), LL.M., MBA. from University of Winchester and Dr. Rena Yulia from Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. The moderator was Aliyth Prakarsa, S.H., M.H. and the master ceremony was Qonita Qatrunnada. Dr. Gopala Sasie Rekha, S. H. (LL.B), LL.M., MBA. presented about “Victim’s path: Tracing the evolution from slavery to modern slavery within human trafficking and organised crime” and Dr. Rena Yulia explained about “Victimology dan KUHP Baru”. Both speakers were excellent and resourceful of knowledge in their own presentation.The participants were 220 in the zoom meetings. They were from Students and Lecturers of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

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Tools of Academic Writings and Publishing for Jawara Researchers

(May, 30th 2023) The International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (PLI-UNTIRTA) organized training activities on writing research articles for the purpose of international publication. This activity was intended to provide support for Untirta academics to be able to publish more of their research works in reputable journals around the world. Dr. Ahmad Fudholi, PhD, diaspora at University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) who is also a senior researcher at BRIN became the main speaker in this activity accompanied by speaker from internal Untirta who are also coordinators at PLI-UNTIRTA , Dr. Mukhtar, Ph.D. This event was opened by the Rector of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University who strongly supports the creation of a global academic atmosphere within Untirta. According to him, international publications are an integral part of efforts to support Untirta’s internationalization program. The same thing was conveyed by Udi Samanhudi, PhD who said that this training activity was part of the routine Guest Lecture program whose spirit was to support and accelerate Untirta’s internationalization agenda.

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#IO-Corner: Berbagi Cerita (GITA) Ramadan di Amerika

(11/04/2023) Pusat Layanan Internasional Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa menyelenggarakan kegiatan daring via zoom dengan topik “#IO-Corner: Berbagi Cerita (GITA) Ramadan di Amerika” Acara ini dibuka oleh Dr. Agus Prihartono, PS. SH., MH, Dekan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Dalam pidato pembukaannya, Dr. Agus Prihartono, PS. SH., MH memotivasi para peserta kegiatan daring ini yaitu mahasiswa-mahasiswa Untirta untuk melanjutkan studi keluar negeri untuk mengharumkan nama Indonesia. serta Nur Latifah Alhasymmie., LL.M sebagai pemateri dan Qonita Qatrunnada sebagai moderator.Nur Latifah Alhasymmie., LL.M menyampaikan pengalamannya ketika belajar dan tinggal di United States dan menjelaskan kegiatan keagamaan islam di negeri pamansam. Acara ini dihadiri oleh 131 mahasiswa Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

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Sosialisasi Beasiswa Posco 2023

(11/04/2023) Pusat Layanan Internasional Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa bersama Posco TJ Park Foundation mengadakan kegiatan daring via zoom “Sosialisasi Beasiswa Posco 2023”. Acara ini dibuka oleh Kepala Pusat Layanan Internasional Untirta, Udi Samanhudi Ph.D. Beliau menyampaikan motivasi dan harapan untuk masa depan anak bangsa, khususnya mahasiswa-mahasiswa untirta untuk terus belajar dan berkarya untuk Indonesia. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh Park Myungsun dan Dhira dari Posco TJ Park Foundation serta Gama (Awardee 19) dan Safira (Awardee 22) sebagai para pemateri pada Sosialisasi Beasiswa Posco 2023. Park Myungsun menjelaskan tentang profil perusahaan Posco TJ Park Foundation dan kontribusi Posco dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Gama dan Dhira menyampaikan pengalaman mereka selama mendapatkan beasiswa Posco TJ Park Foundation. Acara daring ini dihadiri oleh 147 Peserta dari mahasiswa-mahasiswa Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Tujuan dari kegitan ini adalah menyampaikan informasi terkait dengan Beasiswa Posco TJ Park Foundation.

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Three Michigan State University Professors Hold Teaching Program at FKIP Untirta

Following a meeting with the Rector, Vice Rectors, and Deans of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (Untirta) the previous day, three professors from Michigan State University (MSU), namely Dr. Samantha Caughlan, Dr. Nancy Roming, and Dr. Alyssa Morley conducted a teaching activity program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) on the third day of a series of visits to Untirta, Friday (31/03/2023).The teaching activities focus on motivating learning activities and sharing information (knowledge sharing) related to preparing prospective teachers who will teach in Junior High School (SMP) and High School (SMA).Not only that, professors from MSU also had a dialogue with the Dean and Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FKIP and the Head of the English Language Education Study Program as representatives of the heads of study programs regarding the potential for cooperation with FKIP.The team from MSU plans to contribute as resource persons or speakers in various academic activities at Untirta, especially FKIP Untirta, one of which is the annual international seminar AISELT (Annual International Seminar on English Language Teaching) which will be held by the English Language Teaching and Education Study Program in September.”The first initiation can be started by inviting researchers or lecturers from MSU to fill in the AISELT international seminar that will be held by the English Language Education department,” said Dean of FKIP Dr. Dase Erwin Juansah, M.Pd.Untirta students and lecturers admitted that they were enthusiastic about attending the event and having a direct dialogue with three professors from MSU. One of the students said that the teaching program from the MSU team was very interesting and motivated him to learn better as a prospective English teacher at school. “The teaching program from the Michigan State University Team is motivating, and solutive in classroom management problems during the teaching and learning process,” he said.(SAC/ NSLH AAP/ VDF)

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Collaborative Insights Session:Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and Michigan State University

(30/03/2023) International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa in collaboration with Michigan State University held a Collaborative Insights Session: Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and Michigan State University. In the morning, the Michigan State University went to SMAN 1 Kota Serang to observe the situation and condition of a school in Indonesia. then in the noon, Rector of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Fatah Sulaiman, S.T., M.T. gave an opening remarks and greet the Michigan State University in KKampus Untirta Sindang Sari. The Vice Rector 1st; Dr. H. Agus Sjafari, S.Sos., M.Si, Vice Rector 3rd; Dr. H. Suherna, SP., M.Si. and Vice Rector 4th; Dr. H. Aceng Hasani, Drs., M.Pd. participated discussion along with other participants to discuss about programs that have been brought by Michigan State University.
The event was held in 4th floor Rectorate building Sindnag Sari Campus Untirta. The particiapnts were from Deans of each faculty in Untirta and lecturer.

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International Academic Engagement (INTERACT) between Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and Michigan State University.

(29/03/2023) The International Academic Engagement (INTERACT) is one of the International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa programs. The program invited lecturer team from Michigan State Univesity, Dr. Gail Richmond, Dr. Nancy Roming, Dr. Samantha Caughland and Dr. Alyssa Morley. They gave short lecture about teaching and education towards lecturer from Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa as the audiences.
The event was brainstorming and sharing about teaching and education.The audience, especially from the Faculty of Teaching and Education Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa gave the experiences and tips how they teach every day in classroom.

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Optimalisasi Pembelajaran berbasis Digital di Era Society 5.0

(15/03/2023) Pusat Layanan Internasional Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa mengadakan Sharing Session dengan Oracle dengan tema “Optimalisasi Pembelajaran berbasis Digital di Era Society 5.0″pembicara pada kegiatan tersebut adalah Nurul Huda (Oracle Academy Country Manager of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand) dengan Eko Supriyanto (Pusat Layanan Internasional Untirta) sebagai moderator. Acara ini dihadiri 60 peserta yang terdiri dari dosen dan mahasiswa Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Oracle merupakan perusahan big data yang mendunia, salah satu program dari Oracle adalah Oracle Academy. Program tersebut merupakan program yang membekali siswa hingga mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan kesempatan pelatihan pengolahan data secara gratis serta mendapat sertifikasi dari Oracle itu, jelas Nurul Huda (Oracle Academy Country Manager of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand). Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan infromasi mengenai Oracle dan Oracle Academy.

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Pelatihan Data Analitik menggunakan SAP Analytics Cloud

Pelatihan Data Analitik menggunakan SAP Analytics Cloud(13/03/2023) Pusat Layanan Internasional Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa telah mengadakan Pelatihan Data Analitik menggunakan SAP Analytics Cloud. Pemateri pada kegiatan tersebut adalah Mr. Ilan Asqolani (Project Manager for the ASEAN Foundation-SAP Joint Initiatives) dan Mr. Antonius Erwin Handoko (SAP Business Technology Platform, Industries and Customer Advisory) dengan Mira Maulani Utami (Pusat Layanan Internasional Untirta) sebagai fasilitator dalam pelatihan tersebut. Mr. Ilan Asqolani mengenalkan SAP (System Application and Processing) merupakan program berbasis web-browser yang bisa dipakai untuk mengolah data, menyimpan database, menampilkan data dan masih banyak lagi fungsinya dengan data sebagai dasarnya. SAP juga sebagai sistem yang digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan atau aktivitas yang berjalan dalam suatu organisasi secara otomatis sehingga efisiensi dan produktivitas bisa meningkat secara efisien.Mr. Antonius Erwin Handoko menjelaskan secara detail mengenai pembuatan user hingga profil pendukung, mengatur security parameter, pekerjaan secara penjadwalan, set up system dalam SAP.Kegiatan ini dihadiri 58 Peserta yang berasal dari dosen dan mahasiswa Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Mereka hadir di gedung Student Center Kampus Untirta Sindang Sari. Acara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi dan mengasah kemampuan pengoprasian SAP sebagai program pengolahan data.

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(9/03/2023) The International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa held The Research Talk Series with theme “National Security System in Combating Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia and Malaysia”. The speaker were Dr. Zuliana Azwa Binti Zulkifli from Universiti Utara Malaysia and Riswanda, Ph.D from Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and moderated by Dr. Ayuning Budiati, SIP, MPPM.

Dr. Zuliana Azwa Binti Zulkifli presented about Malaysia- Indonesia Security Cooperation in Focus with Preventing Covid-19 outbreak. and Riswanda, Ph.D explained about Indonesia Post-Pandemic Policy Thinking: A Critical Systemic Review of ‘The Next Normal.

The 156 online participants were lecturer and students of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

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