International Office|UNTIRTA

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Hosts Guest Lecture on “Fungal Threats to Global Banana Production: Indonesia’s Potential Solutions”

(Sindang Sari, October 13, 2023) – In a remarkable academic gathering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Untirta) hosted a prestigious guest lecture event on October 13, 2023, titled “Fungal Threats to Global Banana Production: Indonesia’s Potential Solutions.” The event took place at the Multimedia Room, Rektorat Building 1st Floor, Untirta Sindang Sari, and featured Prof. Dr. Gert HJ Kema from Wageningen University and Research as the esteemed speaker.

Prof. Dr. Gert HJ Kema, a distinguished expert in the field, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the critical topic of fungal threats to global banana production. With a focus on Indonesia’s potential solutions, he provided in-depth insights into the challenges facing the banana industry, potential threats, and innovative solutions to address these concerns.

The guest lecture event was expertly moderated by Dr. Nani Maryani, S.Si., M.Si., who skillfully guided the discussions and question-and-answer sessions, ensuring a dynamic exchange of ideas and information. Yuvita Oktarisa, Ph.D., served as the master of ceremonies, adding a professional and engaging touch to the event.

The event was attended by a diverse audience of approximately 80 participants, including students, faculty members, and lecturers in the field. The lecture sparked a lively and insightful discussion, with attendees actively participating and sharing their thoughts on the subject.

Bananas, a staple food crop worldwide, face a multitude of fungal threats, such as Panama disease and Black Sigatoka, which can significantly impact global production. Prof. Dr. Kema’s expertise shed light on the importance of addressing these threats and outlined potential solutions, emphasizing the role Indonesia could play in safeguarding banana production on a global scale.

The guest lecture was not only provided valuable knowledge but also served as an excellent platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and fostering collaborations in the field of agricultural science.

This event highlights Untirta’s commitment to providing a platform for the discussion of critical issues and fostering academic excellence. The university continues to host such influential events to promote education and research on a global scale.

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