International Office|UNTIRTA

Talent Scouting 2022: Energizing The Future

(30/11/2022-1/12/2022) International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa held an event, Talent Scouting. The theme of the event was “Energizing The Future” with speakers were Akhyar Ridho, Ph.D, Rony Lesmana, Ph.D, Kasno Pamungkas, M.Hum., Alfatika Aunuriella Dini, Ph.D, Lisa Linda, M.A and Allecia Angeline.the opening speech were given by Dr. H. Agus Sjafari, S.Sos., M.Si and Dr. Udi Samanhudi on December 30th, 2022.On December 30th, 2022 Akhyar Ridho, Ph.D presented seminar with topic “Critical thinking, reading and writing for International Students”. Then Rony Lesmana, Ph.D presented seminar with topic”International Academic Life : Connectivity and Networking”In the next day, Kasno Pamungkas, M.Hum. bring the topic “Personal Branding for University Students”, In the next session is with Alfatika Aunuriella Dini, Ph.D. She presented a topic “Honing Leadership skills and mental wellbeing as an international student”.Then the third session is with Lisa Linda, M.A, the topic of her presentation was “Growth Mindset: Positive Communication and Successful Networking” and the fourth session of Talent Scouting Seminar 2022 is with Allecia Angeline. The topic of her seminar was “Studying Overseas Preparation (Preparing Resume, Interview)”The audiences are students from Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, 200 students were participated in Talent Scouting Event 2022 in Student Centre room, SC-01 and SC-03

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