International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (IO-UNTIRTA) conducted an online meeting with Dr. Aisling O’Boyle, Dr. Vander Viana and Cultuture and Education Department representatives, Silvia Widia, Etty, and Nia. This meeting was held on March 26th, 2021 at 3 P.M. the meeting was an introductory session of Dr. Vander and Dr. Aisling to the Culture and Education Department of Banten. In this initial meeting, they shortly explained the focus of their research in which Indonesia, represent by Banten Province is one of case study among other countries in example Bangladesh, Brazil, Columbia, China, Marocco, Philiphines, Ukraine, and Vietnam, Involved in the research. The research is funded by British Council and starts in April 2021 to 2025.