International Office|UNTIRTA

Digital Literacy in Social Sciences by Dr. Ibrar Bhatt

(March 17 and 19, 2021) The International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa(UNTIRTA) held an online webinar about Digital Literacy in Social Sciences presented by Dr. Ibrar Bhatt from Queen’s University Belfast and moderated by Rosmania Rima, S.Pd., M.Pd. This Short Course Series program was held into two sessions, the first session was on March 17, 2021 and the second session was on March 19, 2021. The materials were about digital literacy in social sciences. Dr. Ibrar explained that digital literacy is about learning new language or knowledge by using internet and electronic media. Participating in online community (affinity spaces) is one of the ways to learn. The participants of this program were UNTIRTA’s lecturers, students, public and researchers outside Banten. The participants of the program were 167th  coming from lectures of UNTIRTA, students, and researcher outside Banten province. The purpose of this short course series is to enrich and implement digital literacy in social sciences. This would bring hope that soon digital literacy applied by teachers and researchers in Indonesia. 

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