Dr. Dina Rachmawati, M.Pd
English Education/ Faculty of Education
I received my Bachelor of English Literature in 2006, the Master of English Education in 2009, and the Doctor of English Education in 2020 from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
I am currently a program coordinator in International Office of Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa and lecturer at English Education Department, Faculty of Teaching and Teacher Education at the same University.
My research interests are Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Development, and English Materials and Media Development.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Development, and English Materials and Media Development
Public Service Grant for English Training from State Electricity Company of Indonesia (2019)
⦁ Analytical Exposition Materials on WordPress for Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School (a Research and Development Research) (2019)
⦁ Developing a Printable Indonesian Local-Content Based English Games Book to Teach Tenses for the 8th Grade (2019)
⦁ The Effect of Genre-Based Approach (GBA) towards Students‘ Narrative Text Writing for the 10th Grade of Vocational High School 1 of Serang City (SMK PGRI 1 Kota Serang)
⦁ Developing A Bantenese Local Content EFL Teaching Media of Listening for Senior High Schools In Banten Province To Develop Students’ Local Cultural Awareness (2021)